UPC and EAN barcodes, now made simple and affordable.

Gain immediate access to authentic, GS1-approved barcodes for as low as 29.99 USD per barcode with zero recurring membership fees or hidden charges. No strings attached, just straightforward pricing.

100% authentic barcodes
Accepted by all major retailers
Authorised by GS1

How It Works

We’ve made the process of getting quality UPC and EAN barcodes as simple and transparent as possible so that you can focus on selling your product. Here’s how it works:


Order barcodes online from our website

Select your quantity of UPC/EAN barcodes, click, pay and go. You’ll receive your unique barcode numbers via email within 1-3 business days. It’s that simple.

We don’t charge any annual membership fees or mark up the prices of our retail barcodes, because we believe that doing business should be fair, equitable and transparent for both parties.

If you’re wondering why our barcode numbers can be purchased for a one-time fee (unlike GS1’s barcode numbers), click here for an explanation.


Add your barcode to your product

Every barcode is guaranteed to contain a unique, GS1-approved UPC/EAN code that’s registered with the official International Barcode Database. Simply add the barcode to your product packaging in an easily visible, flat location.

Rest assured that our barcodes are compliant with all international retail standards so that you can sell your product in any country, at any place and at any time.

Click here to learn more about how our barcode numbers are internationally recognised and accepted by most major retailers.

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All done! Send your product to your retailers

Once you’ve printed your product packaging, send the barcoded products and product information to your retailers. The retailer will scan the barcode into their system and enter the specific product and price information for that item into their database. Your product information will now appear whenever the barcode is scanned in that retail store. Bam, you’re done!

At Zebra Barcodes, we believe that our relationship with you doesn’t end with a barcode purchase. We are committed to providing exceptional after-sales support to ensure your satisfaction and success every step of the way.


Why Choose Us

Zebra Barcodes helps small businesses grow by providing low-cost, high-quality barcodes and barcode services for a one-off cost. Learn more about why thousands of businesses trust us to manage their barcode solutions with ease.

No membership or licensing fees

Unlike other barcode providers that require monthly or annual subscriptions, Zebra Barcodes saves you time and money by offering a simple, one-time fee at an incredibly competitive price of just $29.99 per barcode.

Accepted in 150+ countries

Our barcodes are compliant with international standards, making them compatible with various retail platforms, such as Amazon, eBay, and brick-and-mortar stores. This eliminates the hassle of you dealing with multiple barcode formats or restrictions, allowing you to focus on your business’ core operations and growth.

Complimentary After-Sale Support

Whether you have technical inquiries, need guidance with our products or services, or simply seek advice, our experts are here to offer comprehensive support, helping you navigate any obstacles with ease.


What Our Clients Say


Launch Your Product With Us Today

Select your quantity of retail barcodes, checkout and go. It’s really that simple.


Request A Quote​

We’re always committed to putting your needs first. Help us serve you better by telling us more about what you do. For larger businesses with more products, we are able to provide a discount for bulk barcode orders.